> Making of
> About the current series
Mass Games:
The world’s greatest show
> Historical outline
> Gymnasts
> Backdrop
> Music
> General Kim Jong Il
about the Mass Games
Werner Kranwetvogel is film director and has studied on the Munich Film School from 1994 to 2000. He directs commercials and feature films. In the late 90s he saw a picture of the Mass Games in the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea, North Korea’s official name) for the first time and was fascinated from the first moment on, but didn't think, that it was possible, to really go there. 2005 he decided to visit the show by himself and had the opportunity to view two performances of the 'Arirang' Mass Games. This first series led to the pictures book 'A Night in Pyongyang', published by Nicolai, Berlin, which is the first book ever on this topic and the only one up to now.
Werner's trips and access were arranged by > Koryo Tours who
attained official permission from the DPRK authorites.